Featured Video

Are you gonna let a frenchman stretch your straps? Check out this funny video from the boys at Voilé.

Snowbird Announces Opening Plans for 20-21 Ski Season

Snowbird Resort has announced its plans for opening for the coming winter season. Of note, rather than implementing a reservation system for on mountain skiing and riding, as Vail Resorts and other ski areas are considering, Snowbird will institute a reservation system for parking. You can find the whole lowdown here:

Wasatch Backcountry Alliance

Check out this new promotional video from Wasatch Backcountry Alliance, a great local organization formed to rally those who utilize the busy range. player.vimeo.com/video/88547127?portrait=0  

Springtime in the Rubys

The Ruby Mountains jut out of the Great Basin just to the south east of Elko, anyone who has ever driven across Nevada from Utah to California, or vice-versa has undoubtedly noticed the range. Although Nevada is surrounded by other states that are famous for their skiing, The Silver State has never really gained famed…

Smoky Burn Skiing

Last August the Beaver Creek fire ravaged S. Central Idaho, particularly the Sun Valley area, and the Smoky Mountains. The blaze was ignited by a lightning strike in early August, and continued it’s burn for several week, charring over 120,000 acres of prime wildlife habitat, and outdoor recreation terrain. Many popular trails in the Sun…

Sawtooth Powder

It had been snowing hard for most of the day, for most of the week for that matter. It was early April and we were nearing the apex of our climb on Mt. Heyburn, in the Sawtooth Range in Idaho. Our objective was the Petzoldt Couloir, a highly desirable and aesthetic line that drops from…